The Basics of Poker

The objective of Poker is to capture the pot, the sum of all bets made by various players during the course of a hand. In order to win this pot, a player must either possess the best possible hand or persuade his or her opponent to fold. The money you save is just as valuable…

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Casino Security

The security at a casino is extensive. Casino employees monitor the games and patrons from every angle. The dealers are glued to the game they’re playing, so they can spot cheating easily. The pit bosses and table managers watch the table games and watch for patterns of betting and cheating. These employees are closely monitored…

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The Definitions of Slots

If you’ve ever had the opportunity to play slots, you’re no doubt aware of what they are. This type of computer game features a narrow hole or opening into which you can place coins. The idea is that by inserting a coin, you can dial a specific number. In order to learn more, check out…

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The Basics of Poker

The game of Poker is a card game where players compete to get the best hand possible. Each player has two cards in his hand, and the dealer has five cards on the table. After the blinds have been called, players can reveal their hands. The object of the game is to have the highest…

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Security at a Casino

The security at a Casino starts on the casino floor, with employees who keep an eye on the games and patrons. Dealers watch over their games, but they are also on the lookout for cheating, since they are focused on their own games. Pit bosses and table managers also watch out for table activity and…

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What is a Slot?

The word Slot has various grammatical functions. It refers to a narrow opening or depression, either open or closed, for receiving a piece that slides in or out. In addition to its obvious functional uses, Slot is also a synonym for the word “deer track,” referring to the path taken by an injured deer by…

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