The Casino is Not Just About Gambling


Despite the flashiness and glamour, casinos are not just about gambling. They are also about food, drinks, entertainment and other amenities that are intended to make guests feel good while they play. Casinos succeed by encouraging gamblers to gamble for longer periods of time and increase their bet size. This gives the casino a virtual assurance of gross profit. The profits of a casino are then reinvested back into the operations.

Gambling almost certainly predates recorded history, with primitive protodice and carved six-sided dice being found in the oldest archaeological sites. But a true casino, offering a variety of gambling games in one place with a host of luxuries to draw in patrons, didn’t emerge until the 16th century, when a gambling craze in Europe was at its peak. Even then, casino operations were largely private clubs, with aristocrats meeting in “ridotti” (aristocratic gambling houses) to enjoy a variety of gambling activities in an elegant setting.

Often, casinos are the perfect location for events and group business as well, and their marketing needs to include specific messaging and targeting around this opportunity. E-sports events and teams are a great example of an emerging trend that can be leveraged to attract this type of audience. And if the right partners are in place, it’s possible to expand a casino’s reach to an international market and bring in a new revenue stream at the same time.

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